I’m linking up today with @createwithjoy1 and participating in Friendship Friday. The topic is PASSION. The suggestion is to write about something for which you have much passion.
I could easily say that I have much passion for my husband — I mean, I do. He’s hot. His muscles are fantabulous. He knows how goofy I am, and he sticks around. But, that’s not what I’m going to talk about.
Writing about my children and raising them well would also make sense. I’m an awesome mom, right? My babies are my life. So, clearly, I’d have much to write about in that arena. But, that’s not what I’ve chosen either.
By now, you’re thinking, “Ahhh, she’s going to write about her passion for teaching.” Well, I do have a good amount of passion for that — after all, I made it my life and career, and I started planning this at the young age of 6 (My not-so-little-anymore brother is living proof of that adventure. He has not-so-cluttered genius in his brain. Seriously, he’s SMART. I take credit.). But, no, I’m not going to blog about my passion for educating our children.
Today, I am going to focus on something that makes me smile. Gives me a rushing heartbeat. Inspires me to complete my tasks.
Birthday cake.
Yes, people. Birthday Cake. I am passionate about birthday cake — with traditional frosting. I don’t care if it’s my birthday or not. This dessert is generally at the front of my mind on a daily basis. I think that I should have at least one slice every day. After all, it’s someone’s birthday somewhere, right?
My husband can attest that I look for reasons, excuses, opportunities to indulge. Last year, I even ran a 5k and promised myself an entire cake for running the full distance. I ran the whole blasted thing. And I got my cake.
It’s April — that means it’s poetry month — and thus, I present, my ODE to Birthday Cake:
Oh birthday cake
with your candles on fire
You are for me
my one desire
Any day of the week
any month of the year
Your sweet, sweet frosting
fills me with cheer.
Good thing I got that English degree, huh? (Apologies to Dr. Fuller — the absolute most wonderful creative writing poetry professor I ever had.)
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