Mamavation Monday: Updates and Other Fun Stuff
You know it’s a good week when you haven’t had to suck snot out of the baby’s nose for a few days. Gross, I know. Sorry. But, that was our week last week. This week has been much better. I’m on the mend. The Animal’s on the mend. Somehow, Miss Sassy Pants got over it really quickly. And Aaron had it for about an hour. Typical.

I participated in the #2WeekChallenge with my Mamavation Sistas, and I had a great time. The weather around here participated for every morning walk, and I was able to enjoy a slight chill in the air. Then, post-walk, I finished up my #2WeekChallenge workout. There’s something about doing this and knowing that my other Sistas are also participating. One, it gives me a little bit of competition — I don’t want to be the only one NOT doing it. And two, it just makes me feel so accomplished for the rest of the day. Because I was dealing with the crud, I had to walk a little slower to breathe. But, I still finished, and that’s what counts, yo.
I’m also still learning from @petecohen_ (The Weightloss Guru) who discussed something really smart. You know when you go to the store for groceries, and you end up with way more bags than you intended? Inevitably, those bags are filled with chips or cookie dough or Snickers. (If that doesn’t happen to you, please just smile and nod — because it totally happens to me!)
Pete’s very simple but very smart suggestion is to make sure you go into that grocery store with a list and then keep telling yourself that you’re only going to get what you have on that list. I see two smart things coming out of this: I will save money, and I will not buy stupid stuff that will only set me back in my health goals.
Now for the positives!
Three Things I’ve Done Well:
1. Dude, it’s been a full month since a drop of soda has crossed my lips. This is a big deal. Not even ROOT BEER.
2. I finished the #2WeekChallenge!
3. I took a nap on Saturday. It was blissfully wonderful.
Three Things for Which I’m Thankful:
1. One of my closest friends is getting married this weekend, and I get to be there. Yay!
2. Our hermit crabs are still alive — and they don’t stink. (We just got them about 2 weeks ago. I’m impressed that we haven’t killed them yet.)
3. Lemonade. It is getting me through the no-soda transition.

Have a GREAT week. And, you should totally check out Mamavation TV tonight!
MAMAVATION TV: Join us Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV