Mamavation Monday: Quick Update
It’s Mamavation Monday again, and things are busy around here. Flash has decided that being awake is fun, so I have fewer “long” naps to work around.
The Animal has suddenly realized that Flash is a live human who isn’t going anywhere. So, the 2 year old varies between sweet moments of saying, “Hi” to his younger brother and then jealousy because Flash has a cool baby toy.
Miss Sassy Pants is counting down both the days to the end of school and the removal of her cast. I am actually counting down the cast removal with her — that thing is getting ugly!
So, it’s time for reporting victories:
Non-Scale Victories
* The entire family went to our local town festival this weekend and had a great time. My mom was gracious enough to hang with Miss SP while the boys came home for naps. But, Flash did really well, and the Animal had a blast on the playground!
* I went grocery shopping and didn’t buy ice cream. Woah.
Scale Victories
* I’m down another pound. That brings me to a total of 25 lbs lost in less than 4 weeks. Woot!
This coming weekend, we celebrate both Flash’s 1 month birthday and the Animal’s 2 YEAR birthday. Wow. I cannot believe how quickly time flies.
How was your week? And what are your plans for Memorial Day weekend?
Tags: babyflash, mamavation