Lazy No More

Lazy No More

This month, my bloggy poetry buddies chose the theme “Lazy” for our poetry. When I signed up to play along, I had one idea in mind. Time flew, things changed, and boom, a new idea for a poem. Hope you enjoy!

apples on books
Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Lazy No More

Lazy no more as
I walk through the door to
return to the classroom of

Yoga pants, alas!
I’m heading to class in a
way I never foretold

Español, yes it’s true
I speak a word or two
here we go, today’s my
first day.

Now my knowledge I’ll pass
to each bright shiny class
It’s my first day of school,

Now, go check out what my blogging buddies created using the same theme!

Lazy isn’t what it once was from Karen at Baking in a Tornado

Lazy from Dawn at Spatulas on Parade

Training my lazy from Diane at On the Border

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