I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. Today’s letter is I.
A little over a year ago, I bought a camera. It’s a really nice camera meant for someone who knows what they’re doing. Only recently have I attempted to do something creative with the ISO and other settings (I type that and don’t even really know what ISO means). Every now and again, I go out and take a few shots. My kids are easy subjects, but today I thought I’d try something new.
The iris on the front bank of our house are gorgeous. They are just now starting to bloom. I love to watch the green leaves sprout and then the slow emergence of the petals.
They don’t last long, though. In a few weeks, they’ll turn into brown papery petals and die off. But for now, I have this exorbitant amount of beautiful purple iris gracing the front of both my and my parents’ yards.
The hardiness of these flowers also astounds me. Aaron took quite a few out of our garden, and we sent some to my friend, K. He threw the cuttings into our compost heap, and wouldn’t you know it? They are sprouting there, too!
What is your favorite flower? Do you have any blooming now that you especially love?
Tags: AtoZChallenge, flowers, iris, photography, spring
Nice to see such a lovely sign of spring! I’m not into gardening much, so I go with easy care flowers – Geraniums. No fuss, no muss (just water now and then and pick off the dead ones) and they bloom for about 6 months. Perfect for this Canadian climate.
This is why I love the iris! They just keep coming back on their own. No work required from me! Thanks for coming by!
Gorgeous iris shots! I’ve been struggling to get a good photo of the tightly-wound bud. You did a gret job of that!
I’ve been snapping pix of the iris in our backyard, but it’s been so windy lately. That adds to the challenge.
Have you noticed how they smell? To me, it’s vaguely like pound cake – which I love!
~Tui Snider~
@TuiSnider on Twitter
My blog: Tui Snider’s Offbeat & Overlooked Travel
I am also part of the #StoryDam team, a friendly writing community!
My favorite is the daisy, but this year I am into the Passion Flower and Mango Tree. Both are just amazing. I bought a good camera, too, last year. It’s a great time of year for pictures, and you take great photos.
Thank you! I’m so new at this. My favorite is actually a rose. Mine haven’t bloomed yet!